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These devices are used to make pig sounds during flatulence.
You just need to insert the TacepoPig device with already incorporated mechanisms for the generation of pig sounds into the anal orifice until the hands can go no further and when gases pass through Tacepo, it will make pig sounds.
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The device consists of two cones firmly held by the sphincter, handles preventing Tacepo’s penetration into the rectum, and gas passages that are closed by the sphincter when not in use.
During the passage of gases, the sphincter squeezes away from the Tacepo, forming an opening through which the gases exit with a funny sound. As soon as the gases come out, the sphincter presses tightly against the Tacepo again, closing the passage.
Managing flatulence with Tacepo is just as possible as in normal life. Control of the process becomes more effective, preventing embarrassing situations in many aspects.
Tacepo is inserted into the anal orifice all the way through, until the handles can go no further, otherwise the device will not be efficient.
Tacepo is not visible under the clothes and does not fall out when used.
The Tacepo device is safe. It is made of special extra strong material allowed for the contact with human mucosa for up to 24 hours.
Tacepo devices do not fall out when used and do not get deep into the person due to their form and special hands. The device strength exceeds many times the effort that may be applied to it during its use.
PP H451 IM/2;
PP H452 IM/2
is polypropylene homopolymer with narrow molecular weight distribution. The product features high fluidity and special composition of the stabilizing formula that provides for improved physical and mechanical properties of final products. Recyclable.
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